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Best Paper Award Finalists and Winner

Winners (tied):

  • Motion planning around obstacles with convex optimization, by T. Marcucci, M. Petersen, D. von Wrangel, R. Tedrake

  • Tensor Train for Global Optimization Problems in Robotics, by S. Shetty, T. Lembono, T. Loew, S. Calinon


  • CACTO: Continuous Actor-Critic With Trajectory Optimization - Towards Global Optimality, by G. Grandesso, E. Alboni, G.P.R. Papini, PM. Wensing, A. Del Prete

  • Inverse-Dynamics MPC via Nullspace Resolution, by C. Mastalli, S.P. Chhatoi, T. CorbĂ©res, S. Tonneau, S. Vijayakumar

Congratulations to all the authors!

Each winner is awarded a cash prize (USD 500).

We got 25 submissions and 11 were selected for jury evaluation. The quality of the papers was particularly high and we had a few tied-up top papers which required a second round evaluation by the Jury members.

The jury members this year were: - Dr. Ko Ayusawa, - Dr. Fanny Ficuciello, - Dr. Zachary Manchester, - Dr. Ludovic Righetti, - Dr. Olivier Stasse, - Dr. Wei Zhang

A warm thank you to them.