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TC Poster Session and Networking Event 2024

Our TC will hold a virtual poster session and networking event on Thursday, July 11th, 9:00-11:30 AM EDT (3:00-5:30 PM CEST, 10:00 PM - 12:30 AM JST). This event serves as an opportunity for our community to gather and discuss our research. By holding the event virtual, we hope to gather people from across the world! Given the success of our previous editions, the event will be held on More details about the actual format will be announced closer to the event via email and on our website, stay tuned!

If you plan to participate in the TC event with a poster, please register here (link) with authors information, title, and a short abstract (the poster itself is not required for the registration). Posters covering recent conferences and journals, and/or other work in progress are encouraged. The TC will review the submissions and those accepted will be requested to upload a poster prior to the event.

There will also be a Best Poster Award associated with the event, consisting of USD 250 that can be used with 2024 (December 31) for expenses eligible to be reimbursed by IEEE (e.g. travel, conference fees, meals). The award will be selected at the end of the event.

Deadlines and important dates:

  • Poster Registration: July 5th, 2024 (link)
  • Decision notification: July 6th, 2024
  • Poster upload: July 9th, 2024 (link will be provided to the accepted authors)
  • Event Registration: Not required, link provided via email a few days prior to July 11th
  • Event date: July 11th, 2024

Hope to see many of you at the TC Poster Session and Networking Event with interesting posters and discussions!