We have our fifth seminar for the TC seminar series on Friday (April 28th 2023) at 09:00 EDT (GMT -4:00). Please find the flyer with all the details at this link.
Speaker 1: Hae-won Park
Title: Model Predictive Control for Legged Robots: From Fast Quadruped Locomotion to Agile Climbing Systems
Abstract: Model predictive control (MPC) has emerged as a widely-adopted algorithm for controlling legged robots, such as humanoids and quadrupeds, due to its robust performance and flexibility to address various legged robot types and gaits. Numerous control algorithms in the form of MPC, taking into account the unique characteristics and nature of legged robots, have been proposed and successfully validated on real robot hardware. In this presentation, I will presents a model predictive control algorithm implemented in two different robotic platforms developed in our lab: KAIST HOUND, a fast-running quadruped robot, and MARVEL, an agile and versatile climbing legged robot. A single MPC algorithm effectively controls both hardware systems with a small modification of contact force conditions. Furthermore, I will provide an overview of a novel MPC algorithm that does not rely on a fixed foot sequence. This MPC algorithm incorporates contact dynamics and its analytical gradient in its formulation to obtain the control input without a predefined gait sequence.
Speaker 2: Ioannis Havoutis
Title: Learning and optimization for locomanipulation with quadrupedal robots
Abstract: Legged robots have made tremendous progress in the last few years and are now taking their first steps in a range of applications. Their key advantage is the unmatched mobility that legged locomotion provides and the versatility this offers as a platform for both sensing and manipulation. These, however, require control solutions that are able to recover from unexpected perturbations, adapt to variations in system and environment dynamics, and execute tasks safely and reliably. In this talk I will give an overview of my groups' work on optimization- and learning-based approaches to locomotion and manipulation on legged robots. In addition, I will briefly touch on our engagement with industrial partners and the applications we are pursuing.
Date: Friday, April 28th, 2023
Time: 09:00 EDT (GMT -4:00)
Link: https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/91247893326?pwd=L2JWU21aQzc4cU1ZQklEb0QrWGQvdz09
More details on upcoming seminars (and video links for past ones) can be found here.